Category Archives: love

Love is

Photo by KawaiiArt1980 on

Love is Such a short word. Should be simple. Should be as clear as the spelling. But we are finding out in life that this word and the essence of it is more complex for some and simplier for others. In School we use to have that thing called a crush. Some called it “Puppy Love”. The amazing thing about it is that it is all of the above. Everyone wants to be loved and accepted. Our faws and all. We want to be embraced physically, mentally and emotionally. But it is hard to find someone that will.

Is this Love? For the Right Person

Some say that you will change for the right person. Some say if you have to change for that person they are not the right person. As if there is something inside of them that is waiting for the missing piece. That piece that will cause maturity and responsibility to be activated. This “change thing” can be touchy for alot of people. Truthfully all of us change when we get in a new relationship. Whether it may be maturity level. Where you may become more responsible and stable. Hurt and pain changes you. May cause you to put your guard up or become more aware of your vuneralbilities. Or the change can just simply be adjusting to something new. It’s when a person sets out to change a person. That’s when it gets crazy.

Accept me for who I am. Even though who you are is destroying you. You must understand that it is not you job to change or save people. You want a healthy relationship. Acknowledge to red flags. That’s where you make the decision to move past that and find someone one new! Compatibility is important.

Can Love be found here? The Table

Photo by Ingo Joseph on

At one moment the world was talking about the table. What do you bring to the table? Some said I am the table. It’s a wave. So I ask since we went into this table discussion. What type of table are you? HA HA.

For Fun: Which Table are You?

  • End table: Catch all, Get in where you fit in,
  • Bedside Table: Intimate, Passionate,
  • Dining Table: Family, Unity, Priority
  • Coffee Table: Comforting, The Center, bring Balance
  • Serving Table: Service to your partner, Care Taker, Non praise seeker
  • Sofa Table: Just there for looks, no purpose to the unit, Could take or leave.
  • Card Table: extrovert Game Player, If you feel played you ready to play the game
  • Folding Table: introvert Involved when needed. Not needed you retreat no problem.

Maybe it’s in My Dreams! Adam was Sleep

The Pastors and Ministers think they have the answer. When the bible talks about Marriage and Haven’t really talked about the courtship. It never talked about compatibility and who had table and who was the table. Abraham had sex with his wife after his mother died and that was marriage. Jacob wanted one of his cousins. He married the oldest daughter as a condition made by his uncle before he could marry the other. And the first marriage was Adam and Eve. Adam was in a comma when she was made. And the Virtuous women was not a real woman. Proverb 31: 1.The words of king Lemuel, the prophecy that his amother taught him. But that’s not the point.

The Point

What do you need? Some people need a little and some need alot. Depending on what you have experienced. Some people find out their definition of love is very different for someone else’s. Some people have experience love as gifts. Some as touchy feely affections and emotions. There are some that see love as sacrifice for another. And again acceptance. But your best believe everyone has had an example. When your experience that person and there example is not close to yours you can do one of two things. Run if its toxic or stay and test it out if its worth the new experience! But you may have to change.

Thanks for Reading! I’m just processing thoughts!

Mathew Knowles Encourages Blue IVY

My X feed is on fire today with Parents encouraging the youth in their life. I love it! Hats off to Mathew Knowles!!! This blessed me!

Nick Cannon Talk with Iyanla VAnzant

Nick Cannon talks about his contributions to his people for some are over shadow by who he chose to have a family with. Do you think that if you are a pro black activist that you should marry or partner with your race? What are your thoughts on this talk he had with Iyanla Vanzant?

Movie: Aurora:A Love Story

Rated: 🍿🍿

Kenny and Giselle are set to marry on a beach in Puerto Rico. Giselle disappears on the day of the ceremony, setting off a wild chain of events that unearths secrets, lies and betrayal, and threatens to destroy the fairy-tale love story.

I enjoyed this movie. I kind of figured it out before the ending. But it is definitely a good movie to watch.

Movie: Father Stu

Not sure if I reviewed this movie or not. But I would love to let you know that this movie is a must see. I watched this movie and it made me think about a lot of things. I thought about my life. I thought about my trials and my tribulations. I thought about the things that I take for granted. It made me want to live more on purpose. I need to live everyday true to myself.

Sometimes people can make you feel as though what you are dedicated to and the sacrifices you make for it are worth nothing but we have to continue to strive for the things that we believe in. We must understand that we have one life. Now what will we do with it. This movie is a wonderful movie. It will inspire you please watch.

Movie: River Runs Red

Review: 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿

I love this movie! I cried and was mad through most of it. I was stuck on the fact that there is so many senseless murders by police officers. The scenes with fathers and mothers from different worlds suffering the same. These 2 dads took care of business in this film. This is a must see, if you haven’t already.

A National Day of Prayer. August 25th

We want to take the time to pray for all those that are being affected by COVID 19. Those Lives that were Lost and those that are in the middle of it wrath. Let’s be in observance of this Day!

Our Prayers here at My Gospel Soul mag. go out to All People!

Ok One More

I love this show…OMG

Enough Said….well,

The first season was something else. I was glued baby to the tv. I was mad, laughing and crying inside and out. Help me Lord. This is for the Ladies. YOU HEAR ME!!!